Thursday, May 27, 2010

Up To My Eyeballs

I feel like this poor cat right now.  I'm buried in design projects and finishing up Ella's Kindergarten year.  Next week, I'll be out of the sand!

Ella asked, "What happened to that cat?  Can we go to the beach again and play in the sand?"

Image via Green Earth Journey.  So what's the deal with crazy cat pictures anyway? 


Gabby said...

Sorry you're swamped! Give me a call when YOU get a sec--I'm a lot less busy than you!

I think I know what's up with the cat pictures. No dog would allow stupid photos like those to be taken of them! Sorry, I'm a dog person.

Unknown said...

The pic is photoshop'ed.

Leslie said...

Geez, honey, I know that. I'm not an idiot.