And here she is, the lady we traveled so far to see! She's worth the trip :o) We always have such fun with Gram.
The kids hit it off with their cousins, Katy and Evan, right away. They had such fun together. It made me wish that we lived near them so they could get together more often. And, yes, they are on top of the refrigerator :o)
Brad lives close enough to Gram that we could walk to his house. We took a lot of walks, despite the freezing cold.
The kids also enjoyed playing at the park at Katy's school.
Wanna know my favorite part about Gram's house?... Definitely the framed picture of David Lee Roth in her basement. Only the coolest grandma EVER would have that!
Mimi and Poppy brought the kid's riding toys from Georgia for them to play with.
Ella and Court had a special Daddy/Daughter breakfast date. They took a walk around town and ate at Faye's.
Carlisle is such an all-American town. I can see why Court loves it. Debbie and I took a walk downtown to check out the shops.
While we were in town, we visited Court's childhood friend, Chet, and his family. Ella enjoyed playing with their son, Lucas - he's such a cute little guy! They also have1 year old twin boys. I've only seen Chet and his wife, Sara, a few times, but I really enjoy visiting with them.
Christian, as some of you know, LOVES the Wii. He insisted on "bowling" all by himself and threw quite a fit when it was time to take away the controller. His other favorite game is "Dance, Dance, Revolution", by the way.
Christian also enjoyed exploring Gram's house. There was so much for him to look at and get into there - which is exactly why he loved it! He's climbing up the stairs coming from the basement in the picture above. He stopped on every step to check out each tin. He looks like a little hoodlum in his baggy jeans.
Ella kept saying, "I love Gram's house! It's so cute!"
Court and I woke up early on Black Friday to do some Christmas shopping. We were dead tired (notice the bags under my eyes), but we had fun shopping by ourselves. Got some good deals, too.
The night before we left to come home we drove over to Hershey Park to see the Hershey Sweet Lights. It was one of those drive-through things. Ella and I ate most of the kettle corn ourselves. I'm not sure what sort of face she's making in this picture.... Debbie and Garry went with us and I have some good video of Garry singing the Muppet's "12 Days of Christmas" :o)
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