I'm new to the world of cloth diapers and let me tell you - cloth diapering ROCKS. I know all you grandma's from the days of diaper pins are thinking I've flipped my lid, but please allow me to enlighten you. My journey to cloth diapering knowledge first began at a little shop in Houston called Bebe Verde. The lady who runs the shop was so helpful and informative and made me feel totally sane and almost normal for choosing to cloth diaper my child. At first I thought the gDiapers were the best ever. While I still enjoy the gDiapers, I've found even better cloth diaper products that I love even more. They're just as easy to use as disposables - except that you wash them in the washing machine instead of throwing them away. I'm talking about the pocket diaper.
There are many brands of pocket diapers and so far my favorite is Bumgenius. Christian loves these even more than his gDiapers and I'm certain that the cozy microfleece liner has a lot to do with that. You simply place an insert inside the pocket and secure the diaper on baby as you would a regular disposable. Once diaper is wet, remove the insert and wash both the diaper and insert. If poopy, then shake solids into the toilet and wash. It's that easy!
The inserts are made out of super absorbant microfiber or microterry and they hold liquid really well. I also have a couple made out of a cotton/hemp blend that are very absorbant. Bamboo/cotton blends are also a great choice.
Another brand that I purchased and like is Happy Heinys. I found these at another eco-friendly baby boutique called The Nurtured Family. I was again fortunate enough to find their shop owner to be equally helpful and informative. The Happy Heinys work the exact same way as the Bumgenius diaper. I was lucky to find one on clearance for only $10. I love a bargain!
While I was at The Nurtured Family, I also purchased a washable swim diaper made by Imse Vimse. Anyone who has ever purchased the disposable swim diapers knows that they are SUPER expensive! You pay $10 for a small pack and if your kid likes to swim a lot, that little pack won't last long. I figured I'll save quite a bit using my $13 swim diaper.
If you really want easy cloth diapers, try the all-in-one diaper. Both Happy Heinys and Bumgenius make all-in-one diapers. They're basically the same diaper as the pocket diaper except there is no pocket. The insert is sewn in so once the diaper is wet, you throw the whole thing in the wash. I would have liked to purchase a couple of these, however, they are more pricey than the pocket diapers. No matter, though, because I'm happy with my pocket diapers and my gDiapers.
Even if I did not convert you to the world of cloth diapering, I hope that I have at least proven that:
1. I'm not crazy
2. Cloth diapers are NOT the same as they used to be.
3. You don't have to be a crazed PETA-preachin' tree-hugger to use cloth diapers.
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