Thursday, July 23, 2009

50 Random Things

1. I am NOT a morning person.
2. I tried to be one, but it never quite worked out.
3. I'm forgetful...
4. Spiders still send shivers down my spine. But I try not to let my kids know.
5. I HATE crying in front of people - even in front of my husband.
6. Coffee is the best drink ever.
7. Yellow squash makes me queasy.
8. Creativity is a necessity.
9. It's okay if you don't like me - I know that Jesus loves me anyway.
10. I recycle.
11. I twisted my ankle three times last year.
12. I'm a planner. I like to know what I'm doing before I do it.
13. Jesus is my hero.
14. My husband and I have decided to homeschool our children.
15. We're not crazy (although that's debatable).
16. Ella begins Kindergarten at home on Aug. 10th. Yes, I'm following a curriculum. And, yes, I think I can educate my children. With Christ all things are possible.
17. My son is obsessed with the "big ball" at Epcot.
18. He still talks about it.
19. I have a black Pug named Big Stuff.
20. It cost $190 to take him to the vet this week.
21. He has skin problems.
22. Everyone's life is busy, stressful, hard. I hate it when people act like they're the only ones going through tough times. Let's call the Whaaaaaambulance and get some cheese to go with your whine.
23. I'm blessed to have a few really good friends right now.
24. My husband is leading our Small Group Bible study.
25. He's simply awesome.
26. He turns 33 tomorrow - old man :o)
27. I have a new guitar. I'd like to learn how to play it.
28. I've spent several hours this week on lesson plans for Ella's first few weeks of Kindergarten.
29. It hurts to hear false information said about me.
30. I was ran over by a school bus in second grade.
31. The driver finished her route before coming back to check on me.
32. I guess I'm not allergic to alcohol anymore. I had a beer last week and no hives! Woo-hoo!
33. I love snakes.
34. Why do people put pink flamingos in their yards?
35. Why do I want a gnome in my yard?
36. Dresses make me happy. And shoes. And purses, too.
37. I'm in desperate need of a romantic get-away with my husband.
38. I need to get back into my work-out routine.
39. I love feeling like I'm going to die in the middle of a spin class then feeling elated when I realize that I've survived.
40. Baseball bores me.
41. I say what's on my mind. Sometimes I just can't help myself.
42. But take no offense - I've got no beef with you.
43. It's okay that I don't fit the status quo. You don't have to either.
44. I haven't had sugar in 2 months.
45. I've lost 12 pounds.
46. But...I've plateaued....ugh.
47. My knee is bruised. I busted my ass by the House of Blues while on a date with my hubby. He was kind enough to hold his laughter until later.
48. He thinks I'm clumsy...I think he's right.
49. I miss my sister.
50. I should go to bed.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

love it! very fun to learn new things about you :-)